Monday, March 25, 2013

Be Humble and Gentle

Ephesians 4:2 
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. (NLT)

One who is humble is said to show meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit. They are not arrogant or prideful and show submissive respect. Being gentle is about being considerate or amiable. And patient is about being tolerant; showing understanding and handling whatever the situation is with calmness.

I bet you know someone who displays those traits. I wish I could say I do all the time. In low pressure situations, we all can put on those traits. We know how to act so we tailor or reactions to fit what we know to be correct.

When someone makes a mistake in front of us, how do we react? Do we move on and help them or jump on them telling them how they should have done it?

When the clock is running and we have to be somewhere, how do we react to that slow driver in front of us, or the one that cuts us off and makes us miss the green light?

When someone compliments us do we humbly accept it or does pride show its face with an "of course I was great" look?

"Holy Spirit, show me what I have to do to change; to be able to more easily show these traits in all my interactions with others. Make me more Christ like. In Jesus name, I pray."

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