Monday, June 25, 2012

Learning Truth

Proverbs 14:15 
Only simpletons believe everything they're told! The prudent carefully consider their steps. (NLT) 

From the time we come into this world we are taught to believe those over us. It starts with our parents and grandparents. Then it extends to our teachers at school and then college.

Mix in the surrogate teachers such as the video games, movies, and television shows we are exposed to early in our lives and we have a lot of things we consider truth.

Video games and television have replaced personal contact at home. They have become babysitters allowing us to separate ourselves from our children while we do our own thing at home. We let screenwriters and computer programmers teach our own children.

Wow, what a mess has been made. And we wonder why many grow up confused and unable to discern right from wrong, good from bad.

Gone are the days of learning moral values from stay at home moms. Gone are those days of learning to read and then enjoying books where we learn additional values. Gone are those days of even reading the Word of God.

Many churches have even given over their sunday schools to video teachings of others. They listen/watch the production and then discuss what has been said. Instead of reading God's Word and learning how to find the Truth in it, we are told the truth.

Thank God for the preachers who still rely on Holy Spirit to help them prepare a message and even all HIm to put words in their mouths as the speak. For a message might be good when it is created by piecing it together from little bits of other's talks. But it is life changing when Holy Spirit is allowed to step in and step up the message.

No matter who we are listening to or what we are reading, the most important thing to do is test the message with the Word of God. And I am not just speaking about a sunday message at church. No, I am talking about our daily walk in life. If what we see or hear does not line up with what God has revealed to us personally in His Word, then we MUST avoid it. We must turn the other way toward God and be free.

Monday, June 18, 2012


John 10:10 
The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. (NLT) ...I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (NASV) 

It is so easy to think we need to do God's work for Him. We forget what Jesus did while he walked the earth. He reached out to everyone by being who he was. He was not Bible bashing or telling everyone they needed to follow him or they would go to hell in the afterlife.

He completed the Father's work. As he was led, he healed and taught. Those who were healed became followers and learned from him as he taught life lessons which always lined up with the scripture they knew.

God wants us to live life to the fullest. The New Testament is filled with details for living life in harmony and truth. We need to read it, absorb it, and live it.

The urgency is not about where others are going to end up. No, It is about life here on earth right now. It is about living a rich and satisfying life, an abundant one. And as we go about life, others God has for us to meet will come across out paths so we might share His light with them.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Follow Me

Luke 18:42-43 
And Jesus said, "All right, receive your sight! Your faith has healed you." Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus, praising God. And all who saw it praised God, too. (NLT) 

There are many thoughts on evangelism today and numerous tracks meant to entice people to know about Jesus. Often they use scare techniques about heaven or hell. Who wants to go to a place of eternal fire?

Although it is true that those who do not follow Jesus will be subject to judgement and probable eternal damnation, He did not use this approach to get people to follow Him. Why do we?

The Word, and Jesus is the Word, went forth with signs and wonders following. All who saw it praised God and followed Jesus. So simple. yet why do we adopt other methods?

As we go about our daily business, are we "the Word" to those whom we meet? Are the words we speak filled with His Love and Mercy? Are our actions those of a humble servant meeting the needs of others?

I know I find myself focused on my todo list and driven to check off all on the list. Do I miss those around me because of my myopic vision or am I open to the leading of Holy Spirit as I go from place to place?

May we reach out to others in all we do. May we be ready with a kind word, a touch, or even to do a deed for everyone He puts in our path.

Monday, June 04, 2012


John 12:26 
Anyone who wants to be my disciple must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me. (NLT)

Jesus says to follow Him. He also says to just believe. And He tells us we must be born again. Wow, which are you--a follower, a believer, or born again? Are these choices or are they a path we take from believing, to following, to becoming born again?

Many have used the technique of asking a non-believer where they are going when they die. Heaven or Hell? Many are encouraged to give their lives to Jesus with this approach. They listen to the message following the question and say what we refer to as the sinners prayer. We count them as being in the Kingdom!

This leads me to another question. Do we lead a righteous life because of who we have become as a follower of Christ or in anticipation of judgement after death? In other words are we saved just because we said the words?

Back to the beginning. Does saying the words make us believe? Does it make us a follower? Does it automatically give us new life in Jesus with Holy Spirit in us?

Truth is, we can believe whatever our mind has decided to believe. Convinced the only way to heaven is through Jesus, anyone would want to take that path. So we believe because of that conversation with another believer. The test is in where we go from there.

Believing is not following and Jesus knows His sheep. He knows who is following Him. And it is those manifesting the fruits of the spirit He baptizes in fire. It is those who receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the indwelling of Him forever.