Monday, February 20, 2012

He Was Raised

Romans 8:34 
Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God's right hand, pleading for us. (NLT) 

We get so focused on the horrible events before us on the news channels, newspapers, and Web sites. It is one bad event after another. Once in a great while, probably when they cannot find any bad news to report, some happy moment is brought to light.

What if we lived only seeing those happy momments? What if the sitcoms on television showed happy, successful middle class families where both husband and wife were in tune with each other? And the kids respected their parents.

On my computer I have a filter that looks through my email to see if any of it is spam. It filters out the stuff I have no need or desire to be shown. What if we had that same filter in all of our encounters?

As spirit filled believers in Jesus Christ, we do. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can get beyond the bad and see through to the good. We can take that bad situation and be shown the good that has or will come out of it. IF we give the Holy Spirit permission to work in our life. We have to choose to let Him guide the way. We have to turn on the filter.

So often we hear about the death of Jesus on the cross and this is an important event. However, many were crucified or put to death in all the ages. BUT only one was raised from the dead. Only ONE sits at the right hand of the Father.

So let's remember and look past His horrible death, the death of Jesus that took away all our transgressions. Let's look to His resurrection from death. That is a happy moment brought to light.

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