Monday, January 23, 2012

Willingness to Walk

We spend hours upon hours listening to Christian preachers and teachers. We memorize scripture and can quote the Bible in about any situation. We attend Bible studies, Men's meetings, and women's meetings. We may even jump at a chance to see a big name Christian speak up close by attending a conference.

We are trained beyond our willingness to walk.

We are constantly looking for more data, more input fill our heads. We even listen to Christian music in the car and perhaps even a teaching CD. We may even buy the pastor's sermon CD's so we can listen again and again to his teaching.

But to what end? Sure, the Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved. But are we to be stuck in a feed me mode for our entire life?

I think not. Doesn't our Father God want us to have a relationship with Him? And for that to occur we must be with Him. We are not with Him when we have a CD playing. We are not with Him when we are at a meeting listening to someone else tell us about Him. We are not with Him at the Bible study.

These are all relationships, but with other believers. And fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ is important, but not at the expense of time with God, alone.

How can God tell us what we are to do if we never spend time to hear Him? What good is all the things we learn if we do not walk out and use them in our day to day life?

Isn't it time we took what we have learned, listened to God, and then be willing to walk out in Christ to spread the Gospel message?

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