Monday, June 20, 2011


2 Corinthians 3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (NIV)

When I was a boy, we used to play with mirrors; we would use them like a flashlight by redirecting the light of the sun coming in a window to a darkened place. Or even the light from a lamp to a spot not covered by the lamps glow.

That reminded me of focusing the light from the sun through a simple magnifying glass to start a fire with dried up leaves.

Then we would also take two mirrors and place them on the opposite ends of a long cardboard tube to construct a periscope so we could see around corners.

When we look straight into a mirror we see our own reflection. I look at mine and wonder about who I see. The reflection is not the young man I still think of myself as. The reflection shows the reality of who I have become.

And isn't that true with our walk with Christ? We who have been saved are without the veil. The Holy Spirit, the spirit of Christ, lives within. When others look at us in our daily life do they see the reflection of He who lives within? Or do they see a person of the world who is hiding the truth deep within?

As we allow God to transform us into His likeness, that reflection becomes the light of Jesus in all we say and do. And like that magnifying glass, we can focus His light on those that need His fire in their lives.

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