Monday, January 10, 2011

Trust in Him

Hebrews 3:14
For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. (NLT

How many times have we said we would be friends for life with someone? More than a few I imagine. Probably with those friends you had growing up and then with people you were close with where you work. I know in High School I had friends I thought would be with me for life. Just did not happen.

Recently I became very involved with organizing the 50th class reunion for High School. There were seven hundred plus in the graduation class and it is a chore trying to gather them all together. I did have a few close friends way back then, but none that I even spoke to on a regular basis.

I have gotten reacquainted with a few friends and it has been great finding out what has been happening in each other's live in fifty years. And I have made new friends with those classmates I had not gotten to know back then. We did not know each other then, but we share a history together and now a landmark event.

When we found Jesus and asked Him into our heart, we became friends with the maker of all there is. It was an exciting time in our lives. But, we cannot turn away from Him like we did our classmates from High School while we take on the world.

The whole point is to take on less of the world and allow Him to change us. For that to happen we need to stay focused on God. Anything less keeps us from the path He is revealing to us each day as we stay in communications with Him. As we talk to Him, He will show Himself in many ways and we will know what to do.

As we continue to trust in Him, we will continue to share in all that belongs to Christ.

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