Monday, September 06, 2010

Complete Harmony

Romans 15:5-6
May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (NLT)

Living in harmony with others seems a day-to-day challenge for most of us. Sometimes we just have to grit our teeth and push through the day. Complete harmony? Are you kidding?

But think about it. Jesus did it. And as His followers we should be able to do the same. So why does it seem impossible?

We are born again but living in this mortal body. As our relationship with God grows and we allow Him to change us, we take on more and more of the mind of Christ. You see, we can try to be that nice person who is in harmony with others, but it is just a mask we wear. We act the way we believe we should while inside we may be screaming. So what others see of us is not who we really are, yet.

It is through quiet time with God that we build that relationship. It is through time in His word and time in prayer coupled with giving the Holy Spirit permission to change us. We can read all we want and say as many prayers as we can, but without giving it all up to Him, we stay the same.

And change does not happen all at once. God changes us over time and in the sequence He knows is best for us. But as the Holy Spirit reveals things in us that may be holding us back from receiving more, we need to give that thing to God as well. When we do, we change a little more.

Did you give something new to God today?

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