Monday, June 28, 2010

Pick Up the Phone

Galatians 6:3
If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important. (NLT)

When we think of someone in need we may think about a homeless person, or someone who just ran out of money before they ran out of month.

How often do we decide to help someone else based on how doing so will affect us? All too often we are "me focused". We tend to think of our wellbeing before others. So we find excuses like we do not have the time right now or someone else would be better suited to help.

We think "Can I afford to send a check to someone in the middle of a tragedy in their life"? But thinking that, are we trusting in God to supply our every need first? As we reach out and help someone in their need, will we trust Him to supply ours? Do we have faith to know He will make a way for our month to end with just the right amount of money left over?

And we tend to think of needs in the form of finances. The reality is that many needs are emotional. People need a friend to talk to. They need someone to help unburden them by just listening. We do not have to resolve their problems. All we need to do is listen to them and then help them pray for divine intervention.

Have you ever thought of someone you have not heard from in a long while? Perhaps they need your help. Maybe we need to make a simple phone call to cheer them up or to let them talk to someone who cares.

None of us is too important to ignore others in their time of need. We need to stop fooling ourselves into thinking we do not matter and someone else can do a better job. We need to pick up the phone and call that person we have been thinking about.

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