Monday, April 26, 2010


Colossians 4:5-6
Be wise in the way you act to outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. (NIV)

Often in conversation with others, we speak from our own point of view. After all, we know we are right. We may even be only half listening to what they are saying as we formulate a rebuttal in our mind sometimes giving it in the middle of their speaking.

It is not a matter of being right. It is a matter of being Christ like. Listening to others should not be focused on fueling our own thoughts to proving how right we are. It should be listening to what is behind their words and allowing the Holy Spirit to fill our mouth with the proper response.

It is not about being right; it is about relationship. If we are truly right, it will come out in the end. As we let their thoughts unfold, it is not uncommon for them to come to new conclusions. And it is not uncommon, after hearing what they have to say, that we see error in our own thinking and see the right in their point of view.

This applies to believers and unbelievers (outsiders) alike. The subject matter may be different, but how we interact with them should be similar. We listen first, then, letting the Holy Spirit guide our words, we speak with love. When we speak, it should always be with an encouraging word. Our reactions to what they have to say can build a relationship or tear one down. They can open doors or build walls.

With outsiders our purpose is to let the Holy Spirit guide us into sharing the gospel message and bringing them to their own relationship with Christ. We want them to see Christ in us and feel His love in what we have to say. With insiders, we want to always encourage them to be closer to Him and to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in their day-to-day walk.

As I see other Christians with their blatant tee shirts emblazoned with Christianize, I wonder how they can open doors for the lost. It is easy to start a conversation with another believer when we see their Jesus clothing. What I pray for are opportunities to start conversations the Holy Spirit initiates with people I do not know. They may be or not be believers, but if we let the Holy Spirit lead, we know we can encourage them either to Christ if they do not know Him or in Christ if they do.

So how do we talk with a stranger about Christ? We don't. The Holy Spirit will show us the open door and that is usually the conversation opener. Then we ask questions to find out more about who they are and where they come from. The more they talk the better. They do not want to hear about us. Their favorite subject is them and that is what they know the best. Get to know them. The Holy Spirit will guide the conversation to Christ or to another encounter with them.

We need to trust the Holy Spirit and let Him do the work. If we try to force the conversation to Jesus, we may be putting up walls blocking them from hearing the truth. And if their walls are already up, the Holy Spirit knows it. Just out showing Christ's love to them may be the part we have to play and may leave them open for the next person to chip away at their wall a little more.

We do need to be billboards to the world with Christ as the message. But that billboard is not one that is read with their natural eyes. It is the message we send in the Spirit by who we are in Christ.

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