Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Invitation
"Now go out to the street corners and invite everyone you see." (Matthew 28:9 NLT)

This comes from the story of the wedding feast. If you do not know the story, I suggest reading from verse 1 through 14.

The Jews were God’s first choice, but most of them refused His invitation to the wedding feast. They did not acknowledge who Jesus was; they were blinded to the Messiah they had waited hundreds of years for.

Jesus was the messenger. He brought the invitation for all from God, the invitation for eternal life, the invitation to be the bride of Christ. When the chosen people refused, God went to the street corners and invited everyone to come.

Some sneak into the wedding because it is an open invitation. To partake, one has to be a believer. Jesus must be their Lord and Savior. They are the ones dressed in wedding clothes, the ones who have put on Christ.

The imposters are weeded out even though they desire to stay for everyone loves a party. Only the believers make it to the wedding for many are called but few are chosen. Jesus is no longer walking among us, but He left us with the job of inviting. It is up to us to go out to the street corners and invite everyone we see.

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