Wednesday, March 31, 2021

True Obedience

When we reached out in faith and accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, a transaction took place. He heard us and came to live inside of us. We were baptized, immersed in the Holy Spirit. The Bible speaks of the evidence of that transaction. Is that evidence evident in our lives? Living in obedience to God is not about our living up to all the laws found in the Old Testament of the Bible. But as God leads us, as the Holy Spirit gives us direction, we are to listen and obey. That is true obedience. If we don't, how can we truly say that He is our Lord? ~

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Await His Direction

Each day we should awake anxiously awaiting His direction for the day. Our things-to-do list is a good starting point. We need to be ready to take action based on what we already know. That is a good thing. The key is being ready to change the plan based on what the Holy Spirit tells us as the day progresses. The key is in not avoiding the Holy Spirit because we don't want our plans messed up. Once we have started our lives in the Spirit, we must remain there. We must be willing to listen and obey. We must point our compass in the direction He leads us in. ~

Monday, March 29, 2021

Limitless Power

God's power is limitless. It is beyond anything we can imagine. As believers, we have the same power that raised Christ from the dead within us. Let's say that again. The power of God that was used to raise Jesus from the dead resides in each and every believer. As believers, our purpose is far more than we can imagine based on our worldly standards. God will accomplish more than we would ever dare to ask or hope through us if we just walk forth in faith and let Him. ~

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The World Molds Us

The world molds us into the image it wants us to be and most of us let it happen. And if everybody else is doing it, it must be the right thing to do. The world system works hard to change the way we think. By choice, we must turn from the world’s evil ways and let God transform us into His image. We must choose to want the mind of Christ. We must let Him change the way we think. As we do we truly can be a new person in the world and no longer the old person that was of the world. ~

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Let It Go

We already know the end result. We are believers and therefore our salvation is secure. What lies ahead is a deeper relationship with God. That is what we have to look forward to. It is in that deeper relationship that our future lies. So it is time to let go so we can move on. It is time to make a decision to let go of all that old baggage. It is time to leave it at the Cross and move forward. As Paul said, just forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead. ~

Friday, March 26, 2021

Baggage Gone

At the Cross, Jesus took all our baggage and dumped it. He took all our sins and all our stuff on Him. He turned us from filthy rags to pure priests. Now that we have become brothers and sisters of Christ, it is up to us to not make a practice of sinning. It is up to us to choose His way and not the evil way. We must listen to Holy Spirit as He guides us knowing that Christ holds us securely so satan can have no hold on us.

Thursday, March 25, 2021


Darkness is where we are when we are walking in the world with our eyes open. We are affected by the darkness we allow into our lives. Sometimes it is so powerful that we are blinded by it; we are swayed to believe it as truth and we are pulled away from the light; from God's way. Daily we have to choose what we allow in and what we keep out. We choose how we react to others. We know how we should be; regardless of how we feel in this human shell. We have to choose to care about others whether or not we feel any affection towards them or not. When we reach out in Love; God will be right there to help us express His Love. ~

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Imperfections

Some of us who are believers now were on the other side of the law. They did whatever pleased them regardless of how it affected others. Right to them was whatever benefited them. Taxes were to be avoided by whatever scheme that worked. They might have gone to church also. Going to church has nothing to do with being a good person. It has to do with being in the right place. God called us all, good and bad. He looked past the imperfections that were so obvious to others. He knew us beyond them. He saw the potential in us and considered us trustworthy. He appointed each of us to serve Him. ~

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Right Choices

The Apostle Paul tells us we should pray without ceasing. The fact is we live in this world and we are tempted daily to be of this world. We need Holy Spirit’s guidance in each and every step we take. We must make the right choices all day every day. Our relationship with Him must be 24/7 and not just 2 hours or less on a Sunday. ~

Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Puzzle

Have you ever put together a puzzle? Each piece is unique. Each has a place to fit. We are like that puzzle and there is one piece left to fit in. And no matter how hard we try to push and squeeze, there is only one piece that fits. That void can only be filled with His Love. Once you have it, the emptiness goes. The last piece fits into the puzzle of your life and you are completed. There is no more need for things to make you happy. There is no more need for an exotic car or vacation. No more are you living to accumulate wealth. With Him, you will never be empty-handed again. ~

Friday, March 19, 2021


How often do we make promises to other believers and not follow through with them? If we give our word, we should never fall short of fulfilling our promise. But we do. So often we say what others want to hear. We promise to be there for them anytime; day or night. Then we turn the phone off when we sleep. Empty promises? What about God? He never turns off His phone or lets the answering machine take the call. No, He says what He means and means what He says. His promises are yes, and Amen. ~

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Sometimes we get to church and are so fired up with what we want God to do, we do all the talking. We don't go there for our words; we go for His Word. Others don't want to hear us either. They want to feel and hear from Him. They want the Holy Spirit to flow and do what God wants. So we need to watch our mouths. We need to stop talking so we can get what God has for us to get. We need to let Him speak. After all, He is the source of all knowledge. Communication is two-way and through it, relationships can occur. Let's take our time with Him two ways so we too can develop a strong relationship with God. ~

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

We Are All Equal

I believe God wants us to eliminate false superiority between us. The bank president and rubbish collector and school teacher and file clerk and single mother and Pastor and maintenance man; we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. We are all equal. Our status in society has nothing to do with our relationship with Him. We all have an equal opportunity to have the same relationship with Him. He awaits it expectantly. It is up to us to initiate and pursue it and even that takes humility on our part.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Look To The One

In the church, we have to be careful that we look to that one lost sheep instead of focusing always on the many. The many may pay the bills, but that is not where God is looking. He wants us to pay attention to the needs of all and have compassion for them. If one is lost, we need to find them and care of them. Each and every one of His children is important. Each and every one deserves all His attention and ours, as He leads us. ~

Monday, March 15, 2021

Be An Example

We need to love the new believer and let Jesus’ light shine through us. We need to allow them to be instructed and guided by their spiritual parents; those that they look to for direction at the beginning of their walk. It is good to be excited for our new brother or sister in Christ; the new believer. What we need to be is an example to them of His love, and welcome them on His behalf. ~

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Pattern Your Life

We should be a good example for others to follow in all we do. It is time to stop separating our church activities and the world around us. We live in the world and they should see the believer in us. We are not to have a dark side in the world and be the light only at church. No, we are to be the light for others all day, every day. As we build on our relationship with God each day, He will guide us into being someone He would like to see others copy. Others will pattern their lives around He who we pattern ours around. ~

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Greater Works

In Mark 16 Jesus tells us to go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. That those that are saved and baptized by fire will lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Yet many of us are sitting back enjoying the fact that we no longer have to worry about our ultimate destination; sitting back waiting for His return. He gave us a task to accomplish. We are to go about our Father's business, just as He did when He walked this earth. We are to listen for His voice and feel the nudging of the Holy Spirit. Then we are to do what He tells us to do. When we step out in little faith acting on His words, we will accomplish even greater works. ~

Friday, March 12, 2021

Ask For Wisdom

We are to be wise in all that we do, but that is about Godly wisdom. We are to ask Him for wisdom and when He gives it we are to use it. His Word is filled with wisdom waiting for us to assimilate and put into practice in our daily lives. But even with all the wisdom, we need another attribute. We need good judgment or discernment. If we cannot tell right from wrong or good from evil in a situation, what good is our wisdom? Each day let's ask Him for wisdom in all that we are to do that day and for the good judgment to know how to apply it. ~

Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Compass

We are all born into this world with a compass that points to God. But the pull of evil is so strong in the world that we forget it is there. And yet, we all need Him. So don't wait for others to come to church and wonder why it is only the sick that show up. Go out into the world, into the marketplace, and let His love shine out. Be that magnet that causes their compass to point to God. ~

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


By making a blatant statement regarding what we believe in are we piquing the curiosity of the non-believers or are we just reaching out to other believers? believe we are called to infiltrate the dark places of this world; we are on a covert mission to seek out those that God is ready to touch. We are to let His light shine through us, not blink "Jesus" on a well intentioned baseball cap. We are to be sheep among wolves. We are to walk with discernment through the enemy's camp always listening for the Father's voice. ~

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

He Guides Us

Being a Christian divides us from others in the world. It can also divide us from family and friends. We cannot have one foot in our old ways, our old life, and the other foot with Him. It is one way or the other. It is both feet first or not at all. How hard this is for many. The sword cuts deep sometimes even within our own family. God must come first in all that we do. We must have our priorities in order. We must be careful that we do not fall to the voices of men trying to pull us here and there. As we listen for His voice, He will guide us into all Truth. ~

Monday, March 08, 2021

He Is Not Unfair

When we took that step of faith and reached out for Jesus’ hand and believed, we were saved. At that instant, we became born again. Our sins, past, present, and future, were washed away and we started our new life in Christ with a clean slate. At that moment we were given the opportunity to begin our salvation journey. Even though we all continue to fall short, He continues to give us His grace and unconditional love. As we realize our mistakes and thank Him for His forgiveness, He continues to show us His unconditional love. God is not unfair. He sees our good works and has already forgiven our transgressions. ~

Sunday, March 07, 2021

New Person

When we turn our life over to Jesus; when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we become a new person. But it is so hard to give up that old life and those old friends and the things we did together. Unlike switching jobs, we are changing from the inside out while we remain at the same job with the same people. We are not transported to a new place. No, we have to become a new person while remaining at the same place here on earth. That is how others can be touched. That is how our life was changed and how we can reach out and be that light in a dark place. Our actions propel others either to or from Him. Let's make today the day that our light shines brightly. ~

Saturday, March 06, 2021


We evaluate others by what we read and some are still evaluating the existence and life of Jesus by what they can find to read about Him. They read their Bibles in many translations and even in its original languages to discover something new. They find other manuscripts and pour through them searching and searching. The fact is that you really can’t know someone by reading about them. You can only discover the combined opinions of man. To know someone, you have to have a relationship with them. To know Jesus you have to have a relationship with Him. A relationship is not a one-time event; it is a lifelong commitment. ~

Friday, March 05, 2021

We Have Been Retasked

We were born into the enemy's camp with the sin of the first Adam in our system. We knew who God was, but there was no way we could have a relationship with Him. We had to escape first. Jesus gave us the escape plan and by faith we took it. We got out of the enemy's clutches. Because someone somehow showed His light to us, we became free. We were retasked so that our eyes were now on Jesus. Now it is our turn. We have each been tasked to do the same for others; to bring them the Good News and see them reconciled to God. ~

Thursday, March 04, 2021

His Word

I believe every single page of the Bible was inspired by God. It is His Word so why not ask Him instead of holding seminars and training programs and getting opinions about it? The key is relationship, relationship with God. We need to pick up our Bible, God’s Word, no matter which translation is our favorite, and ask Him to reveal Himself to us in those pages. If we ask Him, He will do that. He does that for me and He will do that for you. It is time to leave the opinions of others to others. It is time to trust His promises. It is time to listen to His voice; He doesn't deal in opinions, He deals in Truth.

Tuesday, March 02, 2021


When we allowed to excel in what God has truly gifted us in, when we begin to excel in that gift He planted deep within before we were born, it is time for more wisdom in that area. Wisdom comes from the creator and it is His wisdom we truly desire. As we seek Him and step out in faith as He directs us, He will provide all the wisdom we need and we will become wiser. He will teach the righteous and they will learn more. ~

Monday, March 01, 2021


When we ask Jesus into our lives, He becomes the foundation. From that point on our life changes. With Him as the cornerstone we have the chance to build as strong a building as we choose. Our walk with Him becomes a series of choices that take us from layer to layer as we build on that foundation. We must be certain that man does not entice us to follow the wrong path. We must always look to the cornerstone as we make those daily choices. ~