Monday, May 28, 2012


Mark 8:34  
Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me." (NLT) 

It is not because we were convinced to follow Jesus that we get to heaven and it is not by happenstance either. Following Jesus requires more than a road map. That is just following a set of rules. True followship requires friendship and fellowship.

In our zeal to tell others about Jesus it is easy to work hard and giving a logical explanation as to why it makes sense to follow Him. Like who wants to spend eternity in hell? But Jesus is not an insurance policy we grab a hold of just in case it is all true. We have to believe the story.

We can attend church all our life and never really know Jesus. It is not about Him becoming a friend of ours because we hang around with other Christians. Associating with Christians does not make us believe; it is not something that happens by osmosis. It is about us seeking Him out and becoming His friend because we believe.

John 14:6 
Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." (NLT) 

That belief comes when God flips a switch in us and it all becomes clear. We know in our heart that Jesus is the way, the Truth, and the light. Then the decision is truly made and we begin a walk that will continue through eternity with our new friend

Then we have true followship and no one can turn us away.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Live Long and Prosper

Deuteronomy 5:33 
Stay on the path that the LORD your God has commanded you to follow. Then you will live long and prosperous lives in the land you are about to enter and occupy. (NLT)

We remember the prosper piece of this scripture and hope for those prosperous times as we define prosperity in this country. Too often our hopes are so high we put all of those things we associate with prosperity on credit cards and then pray for God's help in paying them off.

Are we really so confident in His promise to give us prosperous lives or are we just greedy? Do we just want all that our parents had and more sooner than we should? Do we just feel entitled to it?

Let's look at the sentence preceding the one on prosperity. This is the condition, the IF. First we have to stay on the path Father God has commanded us to follow. Too often the path we are following is one of our own making having nothing to do with that which God has for us.

So then how do we justify the expectation of prosperity by God's hand when we live by our own plan? We live thinking it is by our own hands that we will succeed and then ask God to prosper us.

Isn't it about time we listened to God and let Holy Spirit guide us into the truth about the path meant for us? Then we will see prosperity in ways better than finances.

Monday, May 14, 2012

History Books

I awoke with this thought on my mind. "You don't get into heaven because of the good works you do. Good works get you into the history books, not heaven."

The fact is that most of us will not be remembered by many after we leave this earthly existence. Perhaps our family will mention us for a couple of generations, but after that we only become an entry in their genealogy when they get old enough to think about having one.

Perhaps they will wonder who we were when they visit the family plot at the local cemetery and look over the names and dates. I know I have done this with mine and really know very little about those long forgotten relatives that lived during the civil war or even before. They are names and dates on stone tablets.

Some will be remembered in the history books. If we look at what we learned in school they are a small number compared to how many have gone before us. Sure we remember the names of people who were our presidents, but not many of even them. Big corporation names, but maybe because the companies still use their name. We even remember ones who caused horrible events in history, perhaps even more than those that made their mark and changed things for the better in their time.

John 3:3  
"I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God." (NLT) 

When it comes to heaven, we do not have to have a building named for us, or fight a war, or be in the who's who list. That list, the names written in the book of life, is made up of born again believers. It is the list of the saints, those that made a decision in their heart to follow Jesus.

There were no works that had to be done to get on that list. The only requirement is to believe. Then, as we follow Him in our day to day life, we do the work He lays before us as Holy Spirit guides us.

Monday, May 07, 2012


Mark 8:34
Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me." (NLT)

There are three kinds of people: Gentiles (without God), Jews (without Jesus), and Christians. Which one are you? And are you what you say your are or is that just a convenient moniker?

Going to church on Sundays does not make us a Christian, but it is a good start. The problem is many believe fulfilling this weekly obligation is all that is expected. Jesus says nothing about going to church. He assumes we are doing that.

Those He was addressing in the crowd were Jews. They attended church. They believed in the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (Exodus 3:6) So the question was about following Him and to do that they (we) must turn from our selfish ways. We must turn from our worldly desires and put God first in our lives.

Is being a Christian a concept to you or a commitment? Do we turn to God because He is our friend, one who we chat with each day? Or do we look to Him in our need to fulfil our worldly desires? Are we committed to a relationship with Jesus?

And that cross thing, it sounds painful. I believe Jesus is telling us that we must be willing to take on the rejection, the humiliation, the attitudes, and even perhaps physical beatings that may come as a result of following Him and telling the Good News everywhere we go.

Can we put Him first in our lives and be willing to take up our cross? If we can say yes to that question we are committed. If no, then perhaps being a Christian is just a concept; a name we call ourselves.

We can follow anyones ideas and our conception of their ideals. We cannot truly follow someone until we are close enough to know them. Being a Christian is not about concept it is about commitment. It is about belief; about knowing that you know that you know.